Learn something new: Simone Beyene’s step-by-step guide to knitting socks

DOWNLOAD is an online hub of resources offering downloadable assets, tutorials, templates and kits. Whether you’re looking to up your coding game and build up your portfolio or learn how to knit during the seemingly never-ending lockdown, we’ve got something here for you.


In a stagnant state of lockdown madness? The days blurring into weeks blurring into months blurring into…a year? Same. It can be hard to keep yourself motivated, even harder to follow advice from the self-help Instagram influencers who seem to love showing how much of a better and healthier life they’re having than you. That’s why we’re making it easy for you (but like, actually). Courtesy of stylist (to MABEL no less), creative director, master knitter and stop-motion animator SIMONE BEYENE, we’ve got a downloadable step-by-step pictorial guide to knitting the comfiest socks you could ever imagine wearing.

Follow image 1-40 for a step-by-step guide with explanatory captions. In the image description we knit size EU 37-39. If you want to knit another size, change the number of stitches or measurements that are within the brackets. The heel is formed by short rows and decreases. This is a basic sock patern with a rib, and flat stitched heel and foot. This is a perfect first time and beginner level pattern, no knitting acronyms are used and you can see a full description of all knitting terminology when needed in the downloadable pack.


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