Delilah Montagu on ‘being young, having fun, and falling in love’
This is A HOT MINUTE WITH, a quick-fire interview series championing all the rising talent catapulting into fashion, art and music’s fickle stratosphere. From pinch-me moments to bad dates and even worse chat-up lines, think of it as an overindulgent conversation – like the ones you have in sticky club toilets at 4.A.M. Except these guests don’t regret the overshare…
London’s rising star, Delilah Montagu, is living life to the max. As she releases her new single and accompanying video, ‘Coming For You’, we speak to the 23-year-old on all things music, youth, sex and love.
Credit: @heather_glazzard
AGE 23
LOCATION London, England
May Garland: Hi Delilah, how are you feeling right now?
Delilah Montagu: Im feeling SO happy. Just had a really nice session with one of my good friends and wrote a song we both love - I think that’s the best feeling in the world.
MG: Congratulations on the new single, by the way! What was the inspiration behind Coming For Ya?
DM: Being young, having fun, falling in love! In summary, young lust and love.
MG: Talk us through the music video, too. Who are the couples you’ve included?
DM: So the couples in the video are all real life people who have got together during lockdown. We went to all of their different homes and ‘invaded’ their spaces which was super fun because it really gave the video a feeling of raw realness.
MG: What does falling in love look like to you?
DM: A fast, terrifying whirlwind. Its like being high on all of your favourite and least favourite drugs at the same time.
MG: In three words, how would you describe your music?
DM: Honest, fun and soulful.
MG: What feels different to you about this new single and forthcoming album compared to stuff you’ve released in the past?
DM: The new music I’ve been making has a lot more energy in it. It’s embracing all the different aspects of being a young person and the raw honesty of what it’s like.
MG: If those listening to your music could only take one thing away from it, what would you hope that would be?
DM: BE YOURSELF and don’t give a fuck.
MG: Do you remember the first album you ever bought?
DM: Of course. Tapestry by CAROLE KING - its one of the most beautifully written albums of all time and every time I listen to it I think of my mum and dad, and my childhood. It’s amazing how powerful music can be - when I listen to Tapestry I feel like I’m eight again.
MG: What’s one thing from childhood that you miss most?
DM: The forest. My mum and I lived in the countryside right next to the most beautiful forest and we would walk in it every day. I love living in London but I miss the trees and the calmness of the countryside a lot.
MG: As a queer artist, have you faced any challenges in the music industry since coming out?
DM: I think people like to pigeonhole, and that has been tricky for me because I don’t really identify as anything - I’m still just figuring it all out slowly.
MG: Who do you look up to?
DM: LIZZO. Powerhouse of a woman, she has always inspired me ever since I saw her ‘What’s Underneath’ interview on YouTube. Shameless acceptance of self is the goal (in my opinion) and I think she has that.
MG: The best way to overcome writer’s block is to…
DM: Force yourself to write. Even if it’s the biggest load of shite just write and keep on writing. As long as you’re doing it, something good will happen. Fact.
MG: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
DM: All we have is let’s enjoy it and live our dream life, even if it’s just for today.
MG: What advice would you impart on other young artists and creatives?
DM: Be yourself, please know that trying to fit in or be like other people is only going to harm you and your creativity. Also, just because they are older and more experienced does not mean that they know better. You know more about your music and yourself than anyone ever will.
MG: Can you tell us a secret?
DM: I’m really scared of failure.
MG: The last film I watched was…
DM: Nomadland. WOW it made me cry so much. I loved it, highly reccomend. Also the experience of being in a cinema was magical because it’s been so long, I love hearing other people laughing and crying with me.
MG: The one thing I’m craving at the moment is…
MG: And lastly, how are you celebrating the release of Coming For Ya?
DM: I’m going to probably call my friends and family, crying and force them to buy it on iTunes.
Credit: @heather_glazzard